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Fridge or Freezer

Get fridge or freezer insurance.
You choose the items, we cover the rest.


Protect your favourite stuff. Choose your items and stack their cover

Fridge Insurance

Why should I get fridge or freezer insurance with StackIt?

Most home insurance covers the contents of your entire home. And you pay an entire fortune for that. With StackIt, you don’t have to insure grandma’s old tea set or that furniture you’ve been meaning to get rid of. You can choose your preferred items, such as your fridge or your freezer, and insure that. Simple.

Get fridge or freezer insurance that protects exactly what you need it to. Get fridge insurance, freezer insurance and so much more. You choose the items, we cover the rest. It’s flexible cover, your way. 

What kind of item can I insure?

StackIt’s fridge or freezer insurance covers any brand of fridge or freezer.

Get fridge insurance, freezer insurance and so much more.

Fridge or Freezer Insurance

Why get this fridge or freezer insurance plan?

  • It’s fridge or freezer at home insurance (your fridge or freezer insurance plan covers your items whilst they are at home)
  • It’s the best fridge or freezer insurance because you receive competitive premiums based on the amount you choose to insure your item for
  • Conveniently claim, add and check on your fridge or freezer at home insurance through WhatsApp, 24/7
  • Rest assured knowing you’re insured against theft and damage
  • It’s the best fridge or freezer insurance because you only pay for the items you elect to insure

Types of insurance you can choose

Most home insurance covers the contents of your entire home. And you pay an entire fortune for that. With StackIt, you don’t have to insure grandma’s old tea set or insure that furniture you’ve been meaning to get rid of.

Get at home insurance that protects exactly what you need it to. This means you are covered for the items you’ve insured against damage, theft and loss if something happens to it while at the home at the address specified . You choose the items, we cover the rest. It’s flexible cover, your way.

Got more questions about Fridge and Freezer Insurance?

Please contact us to find out more about how it works and the T&Cs.